Why Angola needs to be your next trip?

10 June 2024 - Blog Post

I recently returned from Angola, and I can't stop thinking about it. Angola is an underappreciated gem in the world of adventure and cultural travel, and I'm here to tell you why now is the time to visit this incredible country.

First off, Angola is beautiful and largely untouched by mass tourism. You'll often find yourself as one of the only tourists around, offering a unique opportunity to experience its landscapes and cultures in a way that's becoming increasingly rare in today's world. However, as Angola's economy begins to develop, environmental damage is steadily increasing. The only way to protect the incredible natural beauty of this place is through responsible tourism, which can provide the country with an alternative to damaging mining and deforestation activities.

Secondly, the environmental diversity in Angola is actually insane. From tropical rainforests in the north to highlands in the country’s centre -reaching over 2000m in altitude- and the Namib desert in the south, Angola has it all. The Namib Desert, with its world-renowned dune coastline and ancient rock formations, is a wonder that you have to see to believe.

But Angola isn't just about natural beauty. It's a place where you can deeply learn about the history of slavery, colonialism, and the cold war. During the Atlantic slave trade, 4 million people were dislocated from Angola, profoundly influencing cultures in Brazil, the USA, and beyond. It's a history that's both heartbreaking and essential to understand. I always try to bring in local experts to guide us around historic sites and encourage constructive dialogue.

And then there's Queen Nzinga, one of the greatest African female leaders, hailing from the Ndongo and Matamba Kingdoms of Angola. Her story of resistance against colonial powers is incredibly inspiring and can only be truly understood when you visit Angola.

Why am I sharing all this with you? Because my co-founder and I love Angola, and we have so much passion for sharing this country with others. You won't find the kind of commercialised tourism here that's become all too common in places like Kenya, Tanzania, or South Africa. Angola offers an authentic destination where the experiences and places have not been touched by the overwhelming influence of tourism.

For those of you who value protecting local cultures, meeting local people, and seeking adventure and cultural travel, Angola is a destination you need to experience. And there's no better time than now. Join us on our next trips for 2024 and 2025, and be part of a unique journey to discover the untouched beauty, complex history, and rich culture of Angola. Let's explore this incredible country together, responsibly and passionately.